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The Right of Public Access
Our access to nature in Sweden is protected by the Right of Public Access (Allemansrätten). It is a unique benefit mentioned in the Swedish constitution. Here you can find more information in English, Somali and Arabic.
The Right of Public Access basically means that anyone has the right to walk on any land, public or private, as long as we leave it as it was before we came there, don’t bother anyone or destroy anything.
The Right of Public Access
Informative posters in other languages
- Cook outdoors - Arabic.pdf
- Cook outdoors - English.pdf
- Cook outdoors - Somali.pdf
- Cook outdoors - Swedish.pdf
- The Right of Public Access - Arabic.pdf
- The Right of Public Access - Somali.pdf
- The Right of Public Access - Swedish.pdf
- The Right to Public Access - English.pdf
- Things to do in nature - Arabic.pdf
- Things to do in nature - English.pdf
- Things to do in nature - Somali.pdf
- Things to do in nature - Swedish.pdf
Game - The Right to Public Access
The Right to Public Access gives us many rights and obligations in nature, which we may not always be aware of. Try our game and test your knowledge! Available in English, Somali and Arabic.
Read moreMore information in English
The Right of Public Access gives everybody the freedom to roam the Swedish nature and countryside. But there are some things you must keep in mind when you are out walking, camping, climbing, picking flowers or doing something else in the countryside.
Learn more at NaturvårdsverketDela
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